The Hit Squad is an 8-bit movie about a washed up ’80s rock band

Since September, UK-based writer Chris Blundell has been working on The Hit Squad, a comedy film presented in an 8-bit art style. The movie follows the exploits of sex addict and '80s pop musician Roddy Stones as he and his bandmates Frank and Charles attempt to make the comeback of a lifetime.

The Hit Squad will feature an original '80s-influenced soundtrack, appearances by some currently unannounced famous people, and a bunch of pop culture references. Check out the movie trailer below — it's quite entertaining.

Production of The Hit Squad is almost complete, but Blundell has taken to Kickstarter to raise some funds for the final push. Perks for individuals who pledge some cash include downloads of the movie and soundtrack, a pixelated appearance in the film, and even tickets to the movie's premier.

I love a good 8-bit tale, especially when there's some good humor involved. Keep an eye on The Hit Squad if you're a fan of sex, drugs, rock 'n' roll, and pixels.


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