Indie studio NeocoreGames, which developed King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame, announced their next endeavor today: an action RPG called The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing.
The game, which modernizes the vampire slayer for fresh audiences, is loosely based on Bram Stoker's classic Dracula. The story unfolds in a "gothic-noir universe resembling a fantastical 19th century Europe filled with monsters, magic, and weird technology." Helsing's journey will take him to Borgovia, where former foes request his assistance in defeating a new threat.
“Being located in Eastern Europe and having experience developing RPGs, Van Helsing is a natural fit for us; it’s a project where we can demonstrate our expertise in both domains and create something novel that RPG fans can appreciate,” said Viktor Juhász, lead writer on the game. “We’ve always enjoyed crafting games from legendary tales, but with our own twist, and Van Helsing provides us the perfect game world to experiment with.”
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing (@VanHelsingGame) is planned for PC and XBLA and is scheduled for a late Q4 2012 release.
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