The inevitable Star Wars: Battlefront 3 petition is here

Hard to say I didn't see this one coming. Proactive gamers have taken to the popular petition website (which I'm not entirely sure has ever accomplished anything when it comes to games) to encourage guilt Disney in to finishing Star Wars: Battlefront 3. Apparently 99% completed at the time of its cancelation, Star Wars fans want that other 1%. The petition is likely a result of the leaked gameplay videos that emerged over the weekend.

It's not exactly the most descriptive petition, reading: "It was an amazing game that was 99% finished that they need to finish!!!" But I suppose it gets the point across.

In all honesty, this probably won't amount to much, if anything at all. It currently has 2,490 supporters of the requested one million. I'm not even sure Disney would react if it attained one million signatures. Let's face it, Disney is a big company with an overall vision. If Star Wars: Battlefront 3 doesn't fit in that vision, then they won't make it — regardless of how many fans clamor for it.

I don't necessarily think it's right for them to ignore the masses, but I've seen the early gameplay videos and, well, let's just say I think they are doing us a favor by not releasing it. Gestures like this are nothing new, especially for Battlefront 3 which has already seen numerous petitions pop up online and fail to amount to anything.

If you're looking for Battlefront 3, I suggest you search elsewhere.