The Last of Us: Grounded Bundle to release ‘week of May 5’

The Last of Us: Grounded Bundle, the third and final DLC drop in the game's season pass, will be available sometime during the week of May 5th, Naughty Dog has confirmed. Based on standard Sony PlayStation Store updates, I'm assuming this means May 6 in the U.S. and May 7 in Europe.

Detailed earlier this month, the Grounded Bundle will include new trophies and a mix of single-player and multiplayer content. For single-player campaign lovers, it'll introduce a new "Grounded Mode" difficulty described as "the hardest challenge you'll ever face" when completing the campaign. The AI is "relentless, smart, and brutal, and survival will be near impossible," Naughty Dog's Eric Monacelli described.

In addition to the new single-player difficulty, the bundle also includes the Reclaimed Territories Map Pack featuring four new maps: Wharf, Capitol, Coal Mine, and Water Tower. Each have been described in a bit more length here. The Grounded Bundle also offers new guns and new survival skills in the form of the Survivalist Weapon Bundle, Situational Skills Bundle and Professional Survival Skills Bundle. All of the above has been discuseed in a prior post, which you can find here.

For those interested, you can still purchase the season pass for $19.99, offering you the Grounded Bundle, and the already released Abandoned Territories and Left Behind DLC, with more than 80% in savings versus purchasing all of the content individually.