The Last of Us rumored for PS4 release in July

Naughty Dog's The Last of Us could arrive on PlayStation 4 as early as this July, if a new thinly-sourced rumor is to be believed.

The rumor stems from a tipster on the official PlayStation forums who claims a Game of the Year edition of The Last of Us will be released on PS4 "around July 2014." When pressed for an actual source, the poster offered the shady defense: "If I name him, somebody at Sony will lose his job." 

While I'm skeptical of the poster's source, I don't doubt that a PS4 version of The Last of Us is actually in works. I think we can all agree that Sony would be crazy to not offer the fastest selling new IP on its new console (okay, maybe not everyone). The game was just too much of a success — over 3.4 million copies sold on the PS3 — to not bring it to the system's successor.

Hunches aside, there's actually very little in terms of solid evidence of a PS4 version of The Last of Us. The most we have to go buy right now is a "we'll see" from developer Naughty Dog. In the meantime, those of you who still own The Last of Us on PlayStation 3 can soon enjoy its upcoming singleplayer DLC, Left Behind, which is due out on February 14.