The Legend of Zelda trading cards listed by online retailer

Time to buy trading cards again

zelda gz

The Legend of Zelda franchise just keeps on getting bigger and the latest addition to it seems to be physical trading cards inspired by five different Legend of Zelda games.

EB Games Australia listed the Legend of Zelda trading cards which are reportedly due for release on June 30 this year. According to their product listing, each pack of cards will contain six random cards from five different games, one collectors pin, one poster, and a decal or a tattoo. The full collection includes:

  • Foil Cards
  • 23 regular
  • 8 Gold Foil Cards
  • 12 Decal Stickers (1:2 Packs)
  • 9 Tattoos

All of these cards, tattoos, and decals and more will be inspired from five different Legend of Zelda games. Just like the product description says "The Legend of Zelda trading cards are here!"

  • Twilight Princes
  • Majora’s Mask
  • A Link Between Worlds
  • Ocarina of Time
  • Skyward Sword

The trading cards starts going out in June 30 for 20 AUD. This might be part of Nintendo's push to further extend their brand.