The LEGO Movie Videogame is a new game based off… well, the LEGO movie

First there were LEGO toys. These toys coupled with blockbuster franchises inspired a spin-off of LEGO games. The popularity of these LEGO games led to The LEGO Movie. And now we've come full circle, with the impending movie leading to the development of The LEGO Movie Videogame. Follow all that?

Yes, TT Games is working on a new LEGO game based on the upcoming movie which is basically a mash-up of all the fun things we've seen in the studio's previously released games. It's basically going to be one giant LEGO party. Pants optional.

The game's plot will draw from the film, revolving around a perfectly average minifigure named Emmet who is tasked with saving the world even though we already have heroes like Batman and Wonder Woman around. But you know, whatever. It's all fun. Details are scarce, but TT Games has said the game will include more than 90 characters inspired by the film and 15 levels.

The LEGO Movie Videogame will release alongside the film in 2014 for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, Wii U, PC, Wii U, 3DS, and Vita. Check out the screenshots of the game above and the trailer for the actual movie below. Which characters would you like to see appear in the game?