The Nightmare Before Christmas director finally answers the one question we’ve all been dying to know

Is it a Halloween or Christmas movie?

Certain movies are only allowed to be watched during specific times of year. For Halloween, it's films like Hocus Pocus, The Addams Family, and Casper. For Christmas, we've got Home Alone, Elf, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas. For years, however, the universe has been split on how to classify Tim Burton's 1993 animated film The Nightmare Before Christmas. Containing elements that correlate to both Halloween and Christmas, The Nightmare Before Christmas is one of those films we're not really sure when to watch.

Is it a Halloween movie or is it a Christmas movie? Or is it both? Director Henry Selick was finally asked the question at Colorado's Telluride Horror film festival, and he actually responded.

"It's a Halloween movie," he said, finally putting the debate to rest. Although, he admitted that a lot of people like the Christmas Town stuff more than the Halloween Town, he confirmed (via Birth.Movies.Death.) that The Nightmare Before Christmas is, first and foremost, a movie about Halloween, and the people of Halloween, and how they react to Christmas.

So next time your significant other wants to cuddle by the fire on a cold wintery night and watch The Nightmare Before Christmas just remember, you're doing it wrong.

Now that that's been settled, we can get on to the next burning question: Is Die Hard a Christmas movie?
