The PlayStation Plus November lineup is damn impressive

PlayStation Plus strikes again! I can't even believe the games subscribers are getting this month. However, these games will be going live throughout the month of November, which means you should be checking each Monday for any new additions.

However, two games that gamers can look forward to playing on November 15th, otherwise known as the PlayStation 4 launch day, are Resogun and Contrast. Resogun is Housemarques latest shoot 'em up, and given their past experience with Super Stardust titles, fans can look forward to some fast paced shmup action. Contrast on the other hand is a platforming puzzler with some neat shadow mechanics, that allow the player to shift between the real world and shadows projected on walls to progress through the level. 

That's two games you'll be able to play right after you update your PS4 on day one, for free if you're a PS Plus member. But that's not all!

PlayStation 3 owners get access to Ibb and Obb, a charming two player co-operative puzzle platformer, Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen, Capcom's action RPG and lastly Binary Domain, a third person shooter from SEGA set in the year 2080 where man and machine are at war.

Vita owners aren't left out either. Oddworld Stranger's Wrath joins the fray but more surprisingly, the absolutely fantastic Soul Sacrifice. It's crazy because the game is relatively new, and definitely one of the best games for the system. If you enjoy a deep and dark story with awesome combat and upgrade elements, you need to play Soul Sacrifice.