The PS Vita could be seeing a price drop in the near future

The fine folks at Sony are having a contest entitled "Road to Greatness." The prizes include goodies such as a PlayStation 4 console (average retail value of $399), MLB14 The Show for the PS4 (average retail value of $59.99), a PlayStation Vita handheld (average retail value of $179.99), and other PlayStation related items.

Hey, wait a second. The PS Vita costs $199.99…

…right? I should go double check that.

Yeah, it's still $199.99. So I guess this means that Sony is planning to announce a price drop in the near future, possibly at E3. Either that or that's a pretty inconveinent typo. 

Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if either scenario were true. Though, when was the last time anyone has said anything about the Vita, PS4 remote play nonwithstanding. I guess it could use a price drop to generate some buzz. 
