The Early Access game Rust made many people raise their eyebrows when they found out that all the characters were male and that everyone started the game in their birthday costumes.
Garry Newman’s survival crafting success Rust now also has players starting as women in their birthday costumes as well! The creator of Garry’s Mod earlier announced that female characters would be added in a future update, and now women are officially a part of Rust. It took some time but now Rust will be more equal than ever with players of all genders having the exact same start in life. Though players usually don’t stay naked for very long since armor is a must-have in this game.
Which gender you are, as well as height, appearance and the size of certain organs will be determined by players SteamID and the algorithms in Rust – something the players themselves have no control over.
Facepunch Studios knows that this might not be something everyone will enjoy, being stuck with a character that you don’t want, but the Rust team honestly don’t care about that and.
“We understand this is a sore subject for a lot of people. We understand that you may now be a gender that you don’t identify with in real-life. We understand this causes you distress and makes you not want to play the game anymore. Technically nothing has changed, since half the population was already living with those feelings. The only difference is that whether you feel like this is now decided by your SteamID instead of your real life gender.”
The Rust team will continue to add and improve the character creation over time so face, hair, skin colour, and such might change over time. So don’t too attached to your new face.