The ‘Smurfs 2’ trailer is just plain awful

"I'm just Smurfing with you." That is an actual line from the trailer of The Smurfs 2. Out of principle, I refused to see the first one, and based on the official trailer of The Smurfs 2, it looks like I made the right choice. The film uses the word "Smurf" in every way imaginable, including as a way to curse at people. 

In Smurfs 2, Gargamel creates his own race of naughty Smurfs called the Naughties — I'm not sh*tting you, sorry, smurfing you. The Naughties is led by a rebellious-looking Vexy, voiced by Christina Ricci, who's trying to corrupt Smurfette, even though she'd never do naughty things. I mean, Smurfette is voiced by Katy Perry (who has a song where she wants to see your Peacock), and it's not like the humor in these Smurfs movies have innuendos that are just awful to listen to. Whatever it's worth, the talented Neil Patrick Harris returns to reprise his role as Patrick Winslow, but not even NPH can save this trainwreck.

Here's the trailer, but if you're going to watch it, don't say I didn't warn you…

You can follow Senior Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. He likes talking sports, video games, movies, and the stupidity of celebrities. Email at [email protected]