The surface of Microsoft’s Surface can be used to surf, er skateboard

In the ever adaptive and aggressive laptop market, developers are always trying to find that niche to one up their opponents.  Often this involves some new innovative or technological breakthrough never seen before in this market.  Not only are you competing with your opposition but you need to make advances every year to your own models… it can get pretty intense.  This is not a case of any of this. 

Steve Sinofsky, the President of Windows and Windows Live divisions of Microsoft, decided to:

  • 1) Transform a Surface tablet into a skateboard
  • 2) Ride a transformed Surface tablet like a skateboard

I couldn’t make something like this up.  Apparently the Surface has a casing created by Magnesium and is strong enough to support a grown a@# man.  That’s pretty impressive on its own.  Apparently Microsoft really does test their products in every imaginable scenario. 

All I remember about Magnesium from high school science class is that it gets really bright when you burn it…


Historian, teacher, writer, gamer, cheat master, and tech guru: follow on Twitter @AndrewC_GZ