The Taken King brings major changes to Destiny’s quest system

Year One will not be ignored!

Bungie will be increasing the number of Bounties players can carry in Destiny: The Taken King, but they won't be throwing out Year One content to get the job done. A recent update from Bungie let us in on how quests will be implemented in the upcoming expansion.

Bungie's Creative Director Luke Smith explained how The Taken King's changes would impact Year One, by making the content 'questified.'

"The implementation of Quests and Bounties in Year One was a foundation, but it was clear to us and the community that it was an area for improvement, especially if we wanted to rely on questing even more in Year Two. 

The Taken King was built with Quests in mind, but we didn't want to ignore the Year One content in this global change. So as a part of this update, we've taken all Destiny content and – for lack of a better term – "questified" it."

So what is Bungie doing exactly? They were pretty clear about it:
  • Increasing the number of Bounties players can carry
  • Both Quests and Bounty slots will be tracked in the HUD
  • Completed Bounties will be turned in from the Quests screen
  • Reputations will be moved from Inventory to the Quests page

