The update on the Red Dead Redemption Xbox store page probably doesn’t mean what you think

At least, we don't think so...

Some fine folks across the web have been keeping a close eye on Red Dead Redemption, just in case someone somewhere messes up and accidentally announces a new Red Dead game or that the game has become backward compatible for the Xbox One.

People have been so keen on finding information, especially after rumors of a remaster surfaced, that any move the Red Dead store pages make, someone reports them. Whether you heard through the grapevine or Reddit, you'll have seen that the Xbox Store Page for Red Dead Redemption was updated to include "available on Xbox."

Unfortunately, this probably doesn't mean anything… Considering all Xbox 360 games that are in the Xbox Store say that they are available on Xbox. With Red Dead Redemption having a store page, it has to say that too because it is available on Xbox… the Xbox 360.

Don't let your panties get in a bunch yet! Red Dead Redemption might go backwards compatible one day or get a remaster, but not today.