The villain for Aquaman has been revealed to be Black Manta

It's the same guy who killed Steve Irwin!

black manta gz

The days of speculating about who will be Jason Momoa's arch-nemesis in the upcoming Aquaman are over, who this seafaring villain is has finally be revealed.

The choice of Black Manta as the villain of Aquaman will probably please most Aquaman fans since it's one of his best adversaries and the two have been fighting each other for a long time. Black Manta has been in and around in Aquaman since the 1960's and now he's the villain in the live action Aquaman film.

Black Manta has had a few different origin stories over the years and the latest reason for him hating Aquaman is that Aquaman killed Manta's father in retaliation for Manta killing some other people earlier in his life, thus starting the circle of revenge. Black Manta also spent some time in the Belle Reve prison where Amanda Waller tries to recruit him to the Suicide Squad, which he refuses to join.

Usually, Black Manta doesn't have any superpowers, just a super suit which grants him extra strength, endurance, and agility in water, now we just need to wait and see what origin story they choose and whether they decide to give him superpowers or not.

Aquaman is set for release on July 27, 2017, and will star Jason Momoa as Aquaman, Amber Heard as Aquawoman (Mera), and William Defoe as Vulko, who will put on the Black Manya suit still remains a secret.

Source: TheWrap