The Walking Dead season 7 premiere alternate kill scene leaks online

A different person killed by Negan

As you all know, the season premiere of The Walking Dead debuted on Sunday evening, finally giving us the answer to the question of "Who did Negan kill?"


Now that it's out of the way, by now you already know who bit the big one on Sunday evening at the hands of Negan and his trusty bat Lucille. Ever since the end of last season, AMC has been playing cat and mouse with us by revealing little tidbits of possible victims. Dwight was seen driving around on Daryl's bike while wearing his vest, they showed actors on set filming indicating they may still be alive and other little details. We also know that AMC filmed seven different scenes in order to keep even the cast on edge, and didn't reveal which scene they would use until later on.

Well, shortly before the premiere Sunday night, a video leaked online showing what would become one of these alternate scenes. The victim at hand is Maggie. Now, Maggie is not one of the two victims that died in the premiere, so it was interesting to see it leak before the show. Now, to be honest, I wanted to see them kill Maggie regardless. Not because she was a woman, but because it would have made for such an intense story, especially considering that she is pregnant. Those who follow the comics know that Judith was initially the cure before being killed by the governor, so they AMC could have gone that route in the show with her kid. 

Anyway, since we already had the spoiler warning, take a look at the leaked clip below and let us know what you think of the real ending in the show. Oh yeah, and RIP Glenn and Abraham. You will be missed.