The War Z creator issues an apology for his arrogant comments to an angry community

The story of The War Z is somewhat sad. The game was released on Steam on Dec. 19th, but due to an overwhelming negative response from users who bought it, was pulled from Steam that same day, and it kept going down hill from there.

Gamers demanded their money back, while others have noticed The War Z developers exploiting cash shops in a game that wasn't free to begin with. Others have written the developer, claiming that their description on Steam was false, and that it was false advertising in order to get people to purchase their game.

Executive Producer, Sergey Titov, certainly wasn't happy about all of this, and expressed his anger rather than trying to diffuse the situation. However, in an open letter to the game's community, Titov stated that he let his arrogance blind him, instead of addressing the issues addressed by the community.

I became arrogant and blinded by the early success and quick growth of The War Z, our increasing number of players, numbers we were getting from surveys, etc., and I chose not to notice the concerns and questions raised by these members of the game community as well as others. This failure is entirely on my shoulders and if anything I owe thanks to that vocal minority and admit that I should have paid attention sooner. I chose instead to concentrate on the bigger picture – my dream of turning The War Z from being a game developed by a small indie team into a large online venture, instead of addressing small things first and staying focused on the game issues.

Will this apology help heal the wounds of spending $14.99 on a game that many people view as unfinished? Titov sure hopes so, though it might be a case of too little, too late at this point.