The Wolf Among Us accolades trailer: Not to toot its own horn, but *beep beep*

Telltale Games is hardly the first developer to celebrate the successful launch of a game with an accolades trailer, but doing it after each episode of its various game series seems a little overkill to me. We all get it — your games are pretty damn good. I don't really need to know that Nerdist wants to give your game the Spinal Tap treatment.

If anything, I appreciate this trailer for giving us another look at how intense Smoke and Mirrors is. The latest episode is now available on Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. You can opt to purchase it as a standalone for $4.99, or as part of a Season Pass for $14.99. On PC, the episode is part of the season pass for $24.99.

If you've yet to dive into Telltale's new franchise, first check out our review of Episode 1: Faith. And if you've played that then you've likely already played Episode 2: Smoke and Mirrors. But check out our review anyway.