The Golden Era of Gladiators Begins !

The Golden Era of Gladiators
Begins ! Stormcloud Creations’ Coliseum has Gone Gold!

Cary, NC, 10 December 2003 Shrapnel
Games is delighted to announce that Stormcloud Creations’ latest offering,
Coliseum, has gone gold and will be shipping shortly! Available for the PC,
Coliseum will be available from the Gamers Front for the low price of $24.95.

A text-based sports management
simulation of gladiatorial combat in a fantasy world, Coliseum is a realistic
(realistic in a fantasy kind of way) look at the bloodsport of arena fighting.
Featuring detailed combat results, hundreds of injuries, gambling, tournament
play, magical enchantments, tactical decision making, intensive training, aging,
an everchanging world, and much more, Coliseum will appeal to sport, combat, and
fantasy gamers.

To sample the game please point your
browser to
  or here
and download
the 15 MB demo. The demo restricts certain portions of the game but overall
provides you with everything you can expect in the retail game, for a chance to
gain a true assessment of the full game.

If you’ve downloaded the demo when
it was first released you’ll want to try it again, as many changes were made
thanks to the many wonderful suggestions by gamers in response to the original
demo. Even up to the point of it going gold Stormcloud Creations has been hard
at work, adding new features to provide the fans with the best possible gameplay
experience. These "hot off the press" features include:

* A memorial screen dedicated to
your retired and slain gladiators.

* The chance to view your warrior’s
win/loss record against a particular upcoming opponent from previous matches.

* A special events pop-up to let you
know problems your men are facing in the arena, and even out of it.

* Multiple save game slots.

For more information on Coliseum, or
to purchase it through Shrapnel Games’ online store, the Gamers Front, please go