Do you long for the "good ol' days" of gaming? Are you nostalgic for the Ratchet & Clank series when it was about old fashioned zaniness, platforming, and action? I've got good news for you, then!
Wait a second…you do own a PS Vita, right? You do? Awesome. I still have good news for you!
It's looking like the Vita wil be getting a Ratchet & Clank Trilogy release sometime this summer. The rumor comes from a listing on an Sony owned website in Italy, according to website The Vita Lounge. This also backs up their report from a retailer website for the same game.
While none of this is exactly official, it's important to remember that there have been many times we've seen retailers or foreign publisher sites leak information before they're ready for an official announcement.
We'll be keeping our fingers crossed in the mean time, but I'd probably bet a couple of bucks on Sony announcing a Ratchet & Clank collection for the Vita at E3. If I were a betting man, that is.
I totally am a betting man, by the way.