There’s no way I’d survive if I was in the post-apocalyptic movie ‘The Day’

I came across a trailer for an upcoming horror/thriller with a post-apocalyptic theme. It looks awesome — in a gruesome, end of the world way. The film is called The Day. I don't recognize anyone from the cast except Shawn Ashmore (Bobby Drake/Iceman in the X-Men trilogy) and Dominic Monaghan (a hobbit from The Lord of the Rings trilogy).

In a 24-hour fight for survival, the movie is about a group of five survivors in a post-apocalyptic future. Armed with shotguns, axes and machetes, they've done what it takes to survive this far. Hungry and tired, they take shelter in an abandoned farmhouse, but while searching for resources, they set off a trap that signals an alarm to a group of deadly predators that begin to move in for an attack. The predators look like a cultish group of people gone crazy in the aftermath of the war ravaging humanity. Maybe they're canibals? Anyways, they defend themselves in a final stand against the predators with ammo dwindling over a 24-hour period for their survival.

Holy f*ck. Watch the trailer. It's as cool as it sounds.

The Day releases August 17, 2012 in the Unite States.

You can follow Movies and Culture Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ