These are the most pirated games in America, sorted by state

Real estate specialist Movoto recently conducted a survey to better understand the piracy agenda of North America, spanning “almost 4 million nodes, 3 million unique IP addresses, and hundreds of copyrighted TV, game, and movie titles.” The torrenting habits of some states may surprise you.

Watch Dogs is handily the most pirated game in the U.S., with 19 states to its name. Other recent and long-time hits such as Dark Souls 2, Minecraft and The Elder Scrolls appear reasonable as well, but the likes of Age of Mythology, Xenonauts and Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 are comparatively black sheep in the lineup. Funnily enough, the northwest has quite the fondness of The Sims 3 as well.

To view the full torrenting breakdown of TV, movies and other media, head here for Movoto’s full report.

[Movoto via Kotaku]