Thieves stole a bolted-down PlayStation from children’s cancer ward


According to reports, thieves stole a bolted-down PlayStation 4 from a children's cancer ward in Wellington, New Zealand. 

We have seen plenty of people get caught while stealing PlayStation 4s and after stealing for doing stupid things like shoving the PS4 in their pants or failing to disconnect the WiFi, heck, we've even seen a fox break into a house and eat a PlayStation controller – but we don't often see something as low as this.

The stolen PlayStation 4, had been donated to the hospital and was bolted to a moveable table in the oncology ward, but was removed last weekend. The device was meant to ease the stress of receiving chemotherapy and was used by about 15 patients that attended the day stay unit of the oncology ward.


"We are extremely disappointed that someone would choose to steal something used to occupy and cheer up children who are undergoing treatment," said Hospital general manager Chris Lowry.

"We can confirm that the device was unsecured from a trolley, and stolen sometime during the weekend. Given that hundreds of patients and visitors come through Wellington Regional Hospital every day, we sometimes experience instances of theft, despite our best efforts to prevent it."

Angus, a 9-year old who is nearly halfway through his 54-week chemotherapy treatment, is looking to raise money (you can find the details on that via the link to their FB page) to replace the console, saying, "I'm angry, and pretty annoyed because it was a good distraction for me, and other kids too.They took the game too, so the mansion I built on Minecraft is gone."
