Things get personal with Call of Duty: Black Ops 3’s ‘Cybercore: Martial’ abilities

Sounds quick and dirty.

PlayStation 4 and Xbox One owners will be able to experience the Black Ops 3 campaign with a couple of cybernetic modifications. These modifications are essentially skill trees for your soldier that unlock a special set of abilities, depending on what you choose.

Last week we got a look at the Cybercore: Control abilities, this week things are getting a little more personal with Cybercore: Martial abilities. 

The Martial modification will have you preforming quick and stealthy attacks against enemies. Takedown will have you using your super powerful robotic limbs to hit enemies in a one-hit kill that causes them to fly back and never get up again. If you're a bit overwhelmed with the number of enemies around you, Concussion Wave will clear things up and take down multiple enemies at once. 

This modification will also bring an Active Camo skill to players (that works as long as you stand still) and Overdrive, a skill that gives you more weapon stability and makes you faster.