Last night, much to the joy of the gaming community, Sony announced that the PlayStation 4 won't have any DRM restrictions.
Today, we have more information on the policies outlined in last nights E3 press conference. Sony may not be putting any restrictions on first party games but third party publishers do have the right to set their own DRM policies for a game. This news comes from an interview Sony America CEO Jack Tretton had with GameTrailers.
The Sony America CEO went on to say, "The DRM decision is going to have to be answered by the third parties, it's not something we're going to control, or dictate, or mandate, or implement."
This is the important part: Now, this news may seem shocking but this is how the policy is on the PS3 currently. It's simply carrying over to the next-generation. We saw this imposed by Microsoft with their Online Passes (the passes that were recently removed).
Will this mean that third party publishers can also push online check-ups for the PlayStation 4 like the Xbox One? Surely more news on this will surface.
If third party publishers push DRM on both consoles is there a better choice between the two or is there simply a choice to make? Let us know what you think in the comments below or on Twitter.
Catch me on Twitter @TatiMo_GZ.