This Dying Light trailer will change the way you think of the infected

Techland has a knack for trailers. I'm sure you all remember the first trailer for Dead Island — the rewinding trailer featuring the falling little girl. Point being, Techland knows how to touch us in the feels with their videos and the newest trailer for their upcoming game Dying Light does just that as it showcases the post-epidemic world you are about to traverse.

"With our latest Humanity trailer, we wanted to present a deeper vision of what a zombie epidemic would mean for humankind," explained game producer Tymon Smektala. "'Epidemic' being the crucial word here. Mutating into a zombie is a result of infection, not some kind of a supernatural transformation, but simply a disease, just like flu, pneumonia, or SARS."

"This realization helped us create one of the most outstanding features of Dying Light: its setting. A quarantined city just several weeks after the outbreak," he added.

Unlike most zombie games in which you have no compassion for slaying the undead, Dying Light attempts to make you feel for these infected. It reminds you that the infected were once "doctors, teachers, fathers, sons." So the next time you think of hacking away at the limb of one of these creatures, you'll have that in the back of your mind. 

"It’s either you or them. But you should never forget that they’re not walking corpses — they’re just infected, although as of yet there’s no cure for their illness. What would you do if there was one?"

I've had the opportunity to go hands-on with the game on multiple occasions and though I've yet to really go in-depth with the story, I've chopped of many zombie limbs in them. Of course, at the time I didn't even think of them as anything but a threat. 

Dying Light is due out in 2014 for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. You can read my previews of Dying Light here.