This free game might be the only place Leonardo DiCaprio wins his well-deserved Oscar

Poor Leo.

Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the few actors that has never won an Oscar, yet deserves it the most. There's no denying it, you can pick from any of the films he has been in recently as support for the argument; The Revenant, Django Unchained, The Wolf on Wall Street, Inception.

The Oscar has dangled in front of the poor man for years, but it look like the free browser game 'Leo's Red Carpet Rampage' might be the only chance Leonardo has a chance at getting his hands on an Oscar.

The game has you competing against other actors for the Oscar… The statue that's always just out of reach. Leo's Red Carpet Rampage was made but The Line Animation, at Electric Theatre Collective. Game Design was created by Max Van Der Merwe, with concept design and artwork by Bjorn-Erik Aschim and Sam Taylor.

Play the game here.

[Via GameInformer]