Another Thursday, another load of downloadable content straight from Nintendo's various digital shops. This week we've got titles for all current Nintendo consoles, as well as a demo. Check it all out here to see if there's anything that catches your eye.
Carmen Sandiego is MIA on WiiWare this week. Instead, we've got small munchkins in 2 Fast 4 Gnomz, the spiritual sequel to 2 Fast 2 Furious. You must guide the gnomes (I'm not spelling it the other way) through colorful levels as they run automatically from left to right. This one's available for 500 Wii Points. Personally, I think it looks kind of cool. I mean, it's a runner-type game–those can be fun.
On DSiWare we've Box Pusher for $4.99 or 500 DSi Points. The game can be played by one or two players, and it actually looks like a pretty cool block-pushing puzzler.
Last, we've got a demo for Nintendogs + Cats on the 3DS eShop and Dillon's Rolling Western. The game looks to continue the trend of awesome eShop downloads, as proven by several positive reviews. You can snag this one for $9.99.