This week’s downloadable Nintendo poop 2/9/2012

The past couple of weeks have been stellar for Nintendo's download shops. Well, maybe "stellar" is pushing it a bit, because not everything has been great. That said, there has been a lot of great content such as Mutant Mudds and Sakura Samurai. Let's see what's in store for download-hungry gamers this week.

No Carmen Sandiego on WiiWare this time. Instead, Nintendo's shiny console gets BurgerTime World Tour. The game was previously available on Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network, where it received average reviews. You can snag it on WiiWare for 1,000 Wii Points.

DSiWare gets 40-in-1 Explosive Megamix. This mini-game collection will run you 800 DSi Points or $7.99 if you intend on playing it on your 3DS. Geez, I hate these games so much.

Last, we've got Maru's Mission on the 3DS eShop. This Game Boy original is priced at $2.99. So, anything catch your attention this week? Admittedly, the selection isn't as awesome as it has been lately, but BurgerTime World Tour is all right, and Maru's Mission seems cool.