I just looked at today's list of downloadable content from Nintendo, and is it ever weak! Seriously, this reminds me of just how bad it was about a year or two ago. That's right, it's that bad. In any case, check out the latest digital offerings from Nintendo.
On WiiWare we've got absolutely nothing. Well, there's a demo for 2 Fast 4 Gnomz. I might check it out, because I thought this game looked OK, even with its abysmal title.
On the DSi there's 90's Pool. Ugh … This is just terrible, you guys. Oh well, this one will run you 200 DSi Points ($1.99 for 3DS players). Please, just don't even bother with this. Instead, buy yourselves a couple of bags of chips.
The 3DS eShop has two different downloads available. The first is Arc Style: Soccer 3D, which is the source for my lovely feature image above. That one is priced at $6.99. You can also check out the demo for Mutant Mudds, which is already a proven great game.