Once considered nothing more than a Grand Theft Auto clone, the Saints Row franchise has quickly become one of THQ's most popular franchises. In May, it was reported that the series had shipped 11 million units worldwide thanks largely to the success of Saints Row: The Third which has reportedly sold over 5.5 million copies to date.
Over the weekend, THQ President Jason Rubin tweeted that Saints Row: The Third sold over 5.5 million copies prior to the Humble THQ Bundle, proclaiming the game to be "the hit nobody realized was a hit!"
It's true; Saints Row: The Third has been a quiet success story for THQ, and one of the few bright spots for the company facing financial hardships of late. In November, Saints Row: The Third – The Full Package was released, bundling the full game and all of its outlandish DLC.
Looking forward, THQ is currently working on Saints Row 4 which will include Enter The Dominatrix, a once-planned standalone expansion for Saints Row: The Third. With a title like that, you know Saints Row 4 will be even more wild than its predecessor.