Three hidden gore-filled Mortal Kombat X Brutalities found

The Hammer is my...

Mortal Kombat X has received an update on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 that brought a number of character specific fixes and technical options/improvements. Since the update, you can now turn off Match Replays in gameplay options (it will default to 'Off,' so you need to turn them 'On' if you want to keep them) and the PS3 has received some system generic driver support.

There was something else tucked away behind the 116 character fixes and technical support — new Brutalities. Some of the hidden Stage Brutalities in the game are the best – we have seen an old lady Blanche, an interactable character on the Outworld Marketplace Arena stage, go to town on players' faces with unyielding fists of fury.

Now, we are seeing some of the new hidden Stage Brutalities come to light and they are as bloody as ever. Check out three that have been found below: