Three new Pokemon fighters leaked for Pokkén Tournament

Should become official any time now.

The official Pokken Tournament Twitter account began teasing a new character for Pokkén Tournament earlier this week. Little did we know they weren't teasing one character, but three. Unfortunately, the announcement didn't come from the Pokken team, but from CoroCoro Comic, a manga magazine.

The images from the magazine were leaked online before the developers had the opportunity to reveal new Pokemon fighters. So, who is joining the fighter roster?

Braixen (Fire Type), Garchomp (Dragon Type), and standard Mewtwo (Legendary) have joined the Wii U game's fighting roster and will be ready to play when the game releases in March. According to reports, Garchomp is a Power category Pokemon that will use moves like Sand Tomb and Dragon Rush. Garchomp will be able to Mega Evolving into Mega Garchomp and used Burst Attack. Braixen will be a more long range fighter with moves like Fire Blast.

This means that Pokken Tournament will feature both forms of Mewtew, the standard version and shadow verison.
