Today’s free SSX update adds two new game modes

EA has announced the release of a new title update for SSX which brings new experiences to both the single player and multiplayer gameplay.

The free title update, which is now available on Xbox LIVE and PlayStation Network, adds two new game modes: 3-2-1-Go! Events and Freeride.

3-2-1-Go! Events will allow you to compete with up to five riders simultaneously in fast paced Trick it and Race it heats. For 3-2-1-Go! Race Events, the first rider to cross the finish line wins. For the 3-2-1-Go! Trick Events, the winner is determined by who can post the highest score and cross the finish line before the countdown timer hits zero.

The fan requested Freeride mode will also be available. This single player experience allows you to do whatever you please with no rules, no ghosts, no clock, no score, and no other riders. It's just a fun ride.

EA also revealed a few fun facts about SSX. Since its release, players have entered the world of SSX more than 200 million times and  have completed 18 million runs in Global Events earning more than 3.5 trillion credits. Over 10 million ghosts are currently stored on the SSX servers.