Tom Clancy’s The Division will have free post-launch content

Free updates, new content, and new features planned post-launch

There's been a lot of talk regarding Ubisoft's plans for downloadable content for Tom Clancy's The Division. And while it was reported last week that the upcoming online shooter will have microtransactions in the form of vanity items and paid DLC, the developer also noted at an event last week that The Divisionw ill also be supported with free post-launch content as well.

"An online game isn't done on release day. We've been working on this game for quite a while, and we're very happy to release it, but our work is not done then," said Ubisoft creative director Magnus Jansen. "We're gonna kick [the post-launch] off with a couple of free updates, new content and new features, and down the line we'll have normal DLC as well."

Unfortunately, specific details weren't revealed, but I'd guess additional content will come in the form of new areas to explore, new missions/challenges, and more weapons/gear. "We're not ready to go into detail," Jansen said, "but we just wanted to let you know that we know that… you can't just abandon it when it's released, we know it takes a lot more than that."

We recently just returned from a media event for The Division where we got extensive hands-on time with the highly anticipated game. Check out our preview here.