Tomb Raider sequel is underway

Tomb Raider 2 is a go, developer Crystal Dynamics announced today.

"We’re very excited to confirm that the team has started working on telling the next chapter in Lara’s tale," said Darrell Gallagher, the head of product development and studios at publisher Square Enix, in a post today. "It’s still early days, so I’m afraid I can’t provide any further details for now save my assurance that we’re not resting on our laurels and acclaim from Tomb Raider’s recent successes, but working hard to raise the bar even higher and reaffirm the faith you’ve shown."

Square Enix chief executive officer Phil Rogers also mentioned the game in a post about the company's direction moving forward. It's "well into development." The publisher plans to share a release plan soon, which will include the Tomb Raider sequel.

We learned recently that the upcoming comic book series from Dark Horse — due out February 26, 2014 — will tie "directly" into the sequel.