Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5 is a hilarious glitch-filled mess

Ragdoll physics and glitches lead to gold.

Pee-Wee Herman always said, 'If you love it so much, why don't you marry it?' Well, PeeWee we did more than that… We became one with it.

Become one

Sometimes the glitches like to test the limits of Ragdoll Physics…


We will finish it off with a nice alien abduction:

fly waway

I like to call this glitch the Fork in a garbage disposal:


I have no name for this one, other than Dead fish:


Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 made its release today, but according to reports you won't be playing the game until you download the patch. The game itself only contains the tutorial and the park creation feature, the rest of the gameplay is tucked away inside of a behemoth of an update.

While the update isn't that big compared to other games, it is for Pro Skater 5… It's double the game's size. If you purchase a digital copy of Pro Skater 5, it weighs in at 4.6GB and the update is a hefty 7.7GB.

It that wasn't bad news in and of itself, the gameplay is riddled with glitches. Granted, the glitches are amazingly comical – but a game shouldn't be so broken at release. One of the glitches could very-well be the new box art for the game until Activision sends out a fix.

I'll split up the glitches so your computer or phone doesn't join Pro Skater 5 in glitchiness!


[Gifs courtesy of the friendly neighborhood NeoGaf]