Total psycho solo’s The Falcon Lost Incursion on Hard in only 30 minutes

A proper bow, sir

The Division's Falcon Lost Incursion is very, very hard. There is no normal mode, only hard and challenging, and requires a large amount of teamwork. One psycho decided that didn't apply to him, however, and went solo taking only 30 minutes to complete it on hard.

Youtuber Gemini Iceland geared up to a total gear score of 199 and used the following weapons

  • Primary – First Wave M1A
  • Secondary – Tactical Aug 3AP
  • Vest – Specs Ops Armor
  • Mask, Pads, Pack, Holster – Sentry's Call

Now, first off two things. Number one, respect to this guy for not dying once. There are no respawns in the Incursion and any death, even if by accident, means starting all the way back at jump street. Secondly, his two weapons used are two of the most powerful in the game. Even still, I'm willing to say if you give about 90% of The Division community the same weapons they still wouldn't be able to solo it within the same time period. 

He showed good strategy, was mobile and didn't get caught within the APC's ridiculous grenade radius. As someone who's played the Incursion on hard with three people total and having it take just under two hours, I give a proper salute to this man right here. Check out the video above and let us know what you think below. What's your best time in the Incursion