‘Traditional Predator technology and look’ to be upgraded in new Predator film

Woah woah, slow down there. Don't go all crazy on us.

The Iron Man 3 director, Shane Black, hasn't been shy when it comes to talking about the new Predator movie. He's been the first to call it a 'spectacle' solely based on how much money Fox is willing to throw at the project and that the movie will begin filming this Fall (with its big budget).

While we haven't heard much about the cast for the film, Black has revealed that the film's biggest character will be undergoing a slight change. The changes to the Predator won't be too dramatic (hopefully), but it appears the alien technology will be 'upgraded.'

“It’s not to ‘improve,’ it’s make it fun, make it different, make it organically different,” Blacksaid to ComingSoon.net during a discussion on the Predator costume. 

“So what’s the extension of it that makes sense, that’s exciting? There have been a lot of changes to Stan’s design over the years. These different Predator movies have done different things. Ultimately it’s not about design to me, it’s about the story you want to tell. There are people who are always going to agonize over Iron Man, what color his suit is. Maybe this weapon does a new thing, but if the story is not good I don’t give a sh*t what color the suit is. In ‘The Predator’ we’re doing a lot of upgrades to what you would consider to be the traditional Predator technology and look, but hopefully the story is what’s going to drag people in, not just the attention to the minutiae.”

Black didn't go on to specify much on what would be changed for the Predator, but we can only hope the iconic things will remain (like the shoulder gun).