Twitch cracking down on ‘non-gaming’ PS4 streams

Following reports of inappropriate content being streamed through the PlayStation 4 — including a man with a horse head motorboating a lady — Twitch has decided to crack down on the type of content that can be streamed through its service.

Using the PS Eye camera along with The Playroom, the built-in "game" that allows you to interact with virtual reality robots, a number of PS4 users have been hosting live interactive shows on the virtual reality set. Unfortunately, a few bad eggs have been spoiling it by streaming inappropriate content or by posting offensive comments in the livestream chat.

Twitch has acknowledged the issue and continues to moderate what is being streamed through the PS4. The service provider has even provided an outline of what is and isn't allowed on its Stream.

Come on, PlayStation users, this is why we can't have nice things. Behave.