Twitch provides you a chance to win a StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm beta key!


Twitch, one of the forerunners in Video Game streaming, is offering a chance to participate in the StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm closed beta. All you have to do is click on the link below before September 24th, and make sure your facebook email is the same you use to sign into, and you'll have a chance to win one of 1000 beta keys! Not only will you have the chance to beta test all the new units and balance changes, but there's also no NDA – meaning you are able to stream one of the hottest commedities on the internet for StarCraft fans: beta footage. Who knows, maybe it could kickstart a career in streaming for you?

Blizzard will send out keys to the winners on September 28th, so be sure to have those F5 keys ready then.

Click here to enter!

Dustin Steiner is GameZone's eSports Correspondent! Follow him on Twitter @VGHC_Deitis and check out Video Gaming Hard Corps, where he is a local tournament organizer for the S. FL. Fighting Game Community.