Twitter takes credit where credit is due with first party dominance

A bit of Twitter news for you; social media is getting a bit more ambiguous.  Now when you tweet, there won’t be that message at the bottom telling everyone from client you posted from.  So instead of third party devices getting all that free advertising, Twitter is now leaving the device / program you tweet from to remain a mystery.

Will this affect your tweets or Twitter in any direct way?  No.  I feel this is more of a move to give credit to where credit is due.  The iPhone and web client previously made this change earlier.  So basically Twitter is saying ‘game recognize game, and the third party programs are looking unfamiliar.’

Again, this shouldn’t change your personal Twitter use what so ever.  You can still use your non Twitter programs to tweet, they just will no longer be able to get that small advertising out of it.  I can’t blame Twitter for this move – it just makes sense.        


Historian, teacher, writer, gamer, cheat master, and tech guru: follow on Twitter @AndrewC_GZ