Ubisoft announces PAX Prime 2013 lineup: Watch Dogs, The Crew, Black Flag, and more

PAX Prime is right around the corner, so it's time to start planning — for those attending — just what games you want to see. Ubisoft has quite an offering, bringing a slew of its highly anticipated titles to the Expo. The list includes Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, Rayman Legends, Watch Dogs, The Crew, and many more. Below are the full details for each game:

Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag

Get an exclusive look at the newest Assassin's Creed single player demo. You'll also have the opportunity to take "sharable pictures" with the game's protagonist, Edward Kenway, and receive an inflatable cutlass sword. Those who pre-order the game at the event will also receive a limited edition Black Flag t-shirt.

Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag Panel
Friday, August 30

4:30 pm to 5:30 pm ni the Main Theater

"Adam Sessler will moderate a discussion with Game Director Ashraf Ismail and Ralph Ineson (Game of Thrones, Harry Potter), the actor playing the pirate character Charles Vane.  Hear how the team has brought the brutal adventures of pirates to life and experience the latest live gameplay demo."

Rayman Legends

Sneak peek at the console version of the platformer before September 3rd. A Rayman Legends poster will be given to those who play athe hands-on demo.

The Crew

Hands-on time with the open-world racer as you joy ride across the United States. Exclusive key chains are also being given out.

Watch Dogs

Check out the adversarial mode of the companion app , Watch Dogs – ctOS Mobile. The video will highlight some of the ways players can invade other players' games within the world of Watch Dogs. Free lanyards will be given to those who attend the theater presentation.

The Mighty Quest for Epic Look and Might & Magic Duel of Champions

Extensive hands-on time with both games in the LAN area

GameZone will be attending PAX Prime so be sure to check back for all of our exclusive coverage and previews.