Julian Gerighty, game director at French gaming giant Ubisoft, seemingly teased that a new Splinter Cell game is incoming, in a tweet. This mysterious new entry in the legendary stealth-action game is supposedly going to be officially unveiled during this year’s E3 show.
Working on the next #SplinterCell with @danhaynow and @romcamor in #Lyon.
Can’t wait for #E3.
Crossover with #TheCrew2 with @_fergus_ 🙂
Only missing @GhostRecon and @Rainbow6Game – but on their way.#FarCry#ForHonor #TheDivision2 #RainbowSixSiege #GhostRecon pic.twitter.com/oiwMPTny9Y— Julian Gerighty (@jgerighty) May 14, 2019
It looks like E3 season is starting early this year with one of the more prominent game directors in the gaming industry not being able to keep secrets to himself. Julian Gerighty of The Division fame, surprised gamers worldwide in a new Tweet where he nonchalantly confirmed the existence of a brand-new Splinter Cell game. This naturally led to screams of joy among gamers as it has become very silent about Sam Fisher in recent years.
We wouldn’t hold it against younger gamers these days if the name Splinter Cell or Sam Fisher didn’t ring any bells. It has been an astonishing six years since the last game in the series was released with Splinter Cell: Blacklist. The real sad part about the absence of a new entry, is that Blacklist was one of the better titles in the franchise. It wasn’t the game’s quality but the timing which probably hurt it more than anything else. Coming out at the very tail end of the last console generation, it simply was a matter of wrong place and wrong time.
If Julian is to be believed, the new Splinter Cell is probably going to be a cross-gen game which would be the total opposite to Blacklist. Now, while a higher-up at Ubisoft may have leaked the game’s existence – and reveal at E3 – Ubisoft quickly released a statement in regard to the Tweet. Ubisoft told PC Gamer that “Julian was obviously joking as Julian likes to do. It looks like our creative directors are having fun right now. We do not have any announcements to make at this time.”
Hm, would a game director at a large publisher really joke like that about a game? We wouldn’t be surprised to see Sam Fisher don his cult nightvision goggles this summer after all.