Ubisoft Montreal seeking donations to help with Nepal Earthquake Relief

A devastating event for the people of Nepal

Ubisoft Montreal, developer of Far Cry 4 has launched a donation campaign managed by the Canadian Red Cross for the Nepal Region Earthquake fund. The developers feel a close connection to the area because of the fictional Himalayan region of Kyrat – the setting of Far Cry 4.

Kyrat was created after closely studying the culture, people and country of Nepal. Earlier this week Nepal was hit with a 7.8 magnitude earthquake, it left more than 4,400 dead and over 8,000 people injured.

Many of the city's centuries-old buildings — both historic and religious alike — were destroyed by the earthquake, regardless of the fact that they had survived countless earthquakes. All told, the earthquake could cost Nepal $5 billion according to estimates by IHS Asia Pacific chief economist Rajiv Biswas.

As of writing this, Ubisoft Montreal has raised around $7K in relief efforts and the Far Cry team will match every $100,000 raised.

"Having spent the last few years working on Far Cry 4, a game heavily inspired by Nepal and its people, it is with heavy hearts that the Far Cry family pulls together to raise money for the Canadian Red Cross, who are mobilizing their traveling hospital team to Kathmandu to offer support and medical assistance."

Visit and donate to the cause here.