Ubisoft planning HD port of Assassin’s Creed: Liberation?

GAF user Gskyace has spotted a relatively interesting, if not unsurprising image which supposedly shows off some upcoming Ubisoft games. While many on there look to be mobile games, like a follow up to Rayman Jungle Run, there are two that stick out from the group. Firstly, Assassin's Creed Pirates, which obviously somehow connects to the upcoming Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag. Whether this will be a companion app, or possibly a Vita side story is unknown.

Secondly, Assassin's Creed Liberation is listed as HD, which could only mean that Ubisoft is planning on taking Liberation's protagonist, Aveline, from the smaller Vita screen to consoles, and possibly PCs.

Of course, none of this has been confirmed and this is just largely speculation, it wouldn't be that ridiculous of a thought, considering Liberation on the Vita was actually quite good, not to mention HD ports of handheld games aren't strangers to the industry, with games like Resident Evil Revelations, and Castlevania Mirror of Fate making the jump to HD as well.

The most exciting part for me though? Rayman Fiesta Run! Jungle Run was too fantastic not to have another followup!