Ubisoft has confirmed the recently revealed Wii U box art design for some of the system's high profile games is legit.
In fact, it's "too legit to quit". I'm not sure exactly what that means, but either way at least we know this is what we should look for on store shelves when the Wii U launches later this year.
Speaking to GameTrailers, Ubisoft PR rep Michael Beadle confirmed, "Why yes, the WIi U box art you sent is legit; in fact, it's too legit to quit."
Many retailers, including Amazon, Target, and Best Buy have begun updating their Wii U games' product pages to contain the new box art.
Nintendo looks to have gone back the the Gamecube design for inspiration. The Wii U's box art is reminiscent with the convex blue shape and the Wii U logo. The Gamecube box art was basically the same only the convex shape was black.