[UK] 2017 PS4 unit sales beat all previous Black Fridays, except for 2013

After 4 years, PS4 is still reigning supreme

This year's Black Friday sales were hot, be it for systems or software, deals were all over the price. Some of the best deals were on consoles and Sony seems to have had the most appealing, at least in the UK. Aside from just selling out at multiple retailers, Sony's console bested all previous Black Friday years with the exception of 2013. That's not surprising, as 2013 was the year the PS4 was released, but what is surprising is just how impressive the console is selling four years later.

When combined, Black Friday PS4 and Xbox One hardware bundles were up 3% over last year and made up 83% of this week's sales.

While I purchased mostly Xbox One titles this Black Friday (with the exception of Final Fantasy 15, which I purchased for my PS4 Pro), mainly due to the fact I also I picked up an Xbox One X back on November 7, it's clear that PlayStation 4 is still the most popular console of this generation, despite the addition of the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X.

PSVR also saw a lot of interest this year, as Black Friday sales were huge, basically on the same level as launch week sales.

While these number mainly reflect the console's sales in the UK, I'd expect similar figures for the US. Once we have those, we'll post them too.