UK gets cool pre-order bonus for New Super Mario Bros. 2

All right, if this pre-order bonus for New Super Mario Bros. 2 stays exclusive to the UK, I'm getting the hell out of this country. Just kidding, I'm not going to do that. I actually like it here. But still, I really hope Nintendo decides to release this awesome pre-order bonus over here.

Why, you ask? Because it's a freakin' (fake) gold coin, that's why! Folks who put down a deposit on New Super Mario Bros. 2 at either GAME or Gamestation will be treated to a special gold coin carrying case. A single DS or 3DS cart can be stored in the carrying case, but the cool thing about it is that it's a replica of the gold coins Mario will collect in the upcoming game.

Hey, Nintendo, don't be a jerk. Release this pre-order bonus here in North America will ya? I'd hate to resort to my "North America doesn't get anything" persona where all I do is b*itch for entire paragraphs about how other countries get all the cool video game thingies. GameStop, get on this and start pestering the Big N, like, now.

[Tiny Cartridge]

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